Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's a Wordle??

Project #1 What's a Wordle??

A Wordle is a word cloud that is composed of lots of words, organized in a visually interesting way.  This week after our class goes over some basic info we'll be making our own WORDLES!!

Here's the plan!

We're going to use the words/idea generated from our brainstorming in class to be the base of our wordle.  Then we will go online to http://www.wordle.net/ and paste the text into the amazing word cloud generator!

From there students were asked to create 3 different wordles who's layout, color and font reflect multiple aspects of their personality:
1) One using the randomize tool
2) Customized
3) Customized

This project helps show students how they can use the elements of font, layout, and color to express aspect of their personality...for example:

In this wordle I used the text from the "About Me" section.  I used an antique old world font to express my love for Art History and manuscripts.  I chose soft grays and hints of maroon and red to show that I love simplicity and also express my love of Italy, where you see a lot of muted burgundy and earthy tones. I also used a horizontal layout because I like things to be orderly and clear.

The Start of Something New!!!

Welcome to Transforming Typography! 

This class is designed for Middle School students with the hopes of teaching the students all about the amazing world of TYPE!  While the initial response to the ladder statement maybe "what is so  exciting about type?"  as the teacher I would beg to differ!  This class will open your eyes to all of the cool, funky and unique ways to use type in art to express yourself and your ideas!  I'm so excited to open this world to you and can't wait for a  fantastic 7 weeks.

The purpose of this blog is to keep students, parents and me, the teacher, connected.  I'll update the blog each week with information about upcoming projects, pictures and cool artist info.  Please feel free to leave comments and keep in touch!